Page name: The Legion [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-04-01 22:05:36
Last author: Nite_Owl
Owner: Nite_Owl
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The Legion

We are Legion, for we are many.
We are one.
We are Shadow.

Many years ago there stood a grand and powerful empire, Atrophar, stretching over many lands and countries. Young Emperor Bourgian was every bit as equal in greatness as the empire he and his father had created and under his rule, the land prospered for many.

However, lurking in the shadows and alleys, there were others who sought to end the empire forever. Although his empire had become great indeed, only the rich seemed to truly flourish while the poor became ever poorer. Together they formed a group, the Legion, and after years of careful planning, they assassinated the Emperor and his family, leaving the entire land in chaos.

In the west, the Immaculates, supporters of the fallen Emperor, banded together against the Legion in the southeast. The war raged and tore the land apart bit by bit, the Immaculates having the advantage in weaponry and cunning, and the Legion with their strength in numbers as well as overall anger and willingness to fight, but it was clear that it would only end in a stalemate unless other means were used.

On each side, secret organizations and plots were created behind the scenes, each team made up of their brothers' best in arms and ability, each skilled and powerful and wise, each put out to destroy the core of their enemy and ensure the dawn of a new age of rule.

And the question remains…
Who will you join?


The Rules

1. No power-playing or God-moding. Only I, [Nite_Owl], may do either, and only for certain cases if/when they arise. Failure to follow this rule will get you first a warning then a ban (unless you have good reason, such as interaction between you and others that has already been okayed by them).
2. You many create up to four characters, and only up to two on each side.
3. I’m not picky about what kind of spells/weapons you use or what type of species you are and such. If you want to be a cynical were-pixie that shoots hearts, be my guest.
4. I ask that you try to stick to the basic storyline more or less. If you really want to go off and make babies someplace and have a cottage yatta yatta yatta, take it somewhere else please. I doubt the littluns will be fighting in the war.
5. You may make as many minor characters as you wish as well, but keep in mind that they are in fact minor. If they begin to play into the story more than just a tad, I’ll warn you to create a character profile for them in four weeks.
6. Your posts may be as long and as many as you wish, as long as you do not leave behind other important characters before moving on to another area.
7. Swearing is fine as long as it is not overused. Although I do not mind it (not one bit, really) it isn’t just me that’s roleplaying. Please be considerate of other people here.
8. No arguing in the comments. If you’ve a brouhaha to attend, I suggest you take it outside, fellas ;)


The Legionaires
Supporters of the Legion

The Immaculates
Supporters of the Emporer

Other Characters of the Legion
Minor characters, player companions, and NPCs

The Empire of Atrophar
Areas of Atrophar

Username (or number or email):


2007-02-19 [Nite_Owl]: I think it's more or less ready to start accepting applications :D Hopefully I can finally get this thing started! Yay! (^,^)

2007-02-19 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: *dances* yay!! XD I wanna rp!!!!!!!! *runs about in circles*

2007-02-23 [Hiro Kitaki]: loves rp*sly wink*

2007-02-23 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: O.O *blushes deeply and hides under rock twiddling her thumbs* (._.)

2007-02-24 [Akayume]: sorry...I never got around to joining. I suppose it's too late..

2007-02-24 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: no actually.. no one has really joined yet.

2007-02-24 [Akayume]: really? how sad. I'll join.

2007-02-24 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: *laughs* XD

2007-02-24 [Akayume]: ...? O.o

2007-02-24 [Akayume]: I posted a question I had on The Immaculates

2007-02-24 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: I saw it *nod* but i think i'm the only one here and i can't really answer it for you. ^^'

2007-02-24 [Akayume]: ..O.o aren't you the co-owner?

2007-02-24 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: erm.. no. >.> i kinda just gave owlie some ideas on how to run this thing. ^^

2007-02-24 [Nite_Owl]: Sort of. Most of it is mine, but she helped me out a little with ideas on how to make this place work. I hope what I've planned works nicely enough :)

2007-02-24 [Akayume]: I hope so too...

2007-02-24 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: I know it will! ^^

2007-02-24 [Hiro Kitaki]:!*calls out in singing voice*

2007-02-24 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: eh? O.o

2007-02-24 [Hiro Kitaki]: *syl grin* i think you like to rp with me a lot no?

2007-02-24 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: erm.. (._.) *blushes*

2007-02-24 [Hiro Kitaki]: lol...addmitt it!

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